Puppy Socials!

upcoming schedule of Puppy Socials!

puppy socials

Our popular Saturday Puppy Social Morning, which is open to fully vaccinated puppies up to and including 6 months of age, is held every second Saturday. This is an indoor event so not effected by adverse weather.

Your puppy will get an opportunity to meet and play with other pups in a safe, controlled and supervised way. They can play off lead and get a chance to meet not just other puppies, but different people.

We like the owners to stay to watch and chat with others that are there, sharing difficulties and successes they have experienced. This is a fun event and all in the family are welcome to come.

While the pups are playing we will work with the shyer puppies and show you techniques that calm and reassure. As an experienced dog trainer I will be available to answer questions around your puppies behaviour but most of all it is an opportunity for your pup to learn how to socialise.

Looking forward to meeting all the puppies

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